How to smartly structure your projects in Gigiality?

How to smartly structure your projects in Gigiality?

To classify environments within the Gigality dashboard "environment groups" are designed. This feature is aimed to ease the administration of multiple created and shared with an account environments, allowing to get a clear-cut view on your project components and landscape.

This type of grouping can be implemented by creating special user-defined tags and attaching them to the appropriate environments. Here, tags represent words or phrases that are displayed within the separate dedicated column in your dashboard. Through simple clicking on the required tag, you can quickly filter your environments by one or more attributes that you’ve used for differentiation (e.g. stack type, project relation, development stage, etc).

The main environment group management functionality is provided via the dedicated Env Groups menu within the main dashboard screen (right above the environment list). Here you can find the list of all of your already created groups and a set of options for their convenient management and access.

When a particular group is chosen, its name appears within the top group's panel as a nesting element.


To cancel filtering and return back to the overall list of available environments, just click on the main Env Groups button.

The overall structure of your environment groups, with all inclusions and nesting levels, can be conveniently viewed via the dedicated Environment Groups box (opened with the Manage string in the Env Groups menu). Here you can also perform all necessary group adjustments using a set of dedicated tools above.


You can create an unlimited number of groups based on any naming scheme that makes logic (using any letters, numerals, special characters and spaces within their names).
Moreover, each group can be parted further into smaller subgroups if needed, as well as each environment can belong to multiple groups, which makes this approach truly flexible and versatile.
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