Let’s see how you can access your Gigality account with all of its environments and containers or just a separate container via SSH.
- SSH Access to a Gigality Account
- Direct Access to the Container
Note: SSH access is provided to the whole account but not a separate environment.
SSH Access to a Gigality Account:
- Open the Gigality dashboard and navigate to the upper toolbar.
- Click the Settings button.
3. In the opened Account settings tab, navigate to the SSH Keychain > Public option.
4. Click the link in the note to open your SSH gate. As a result, you’ll access Shell Handler via console automatically.
5. You can also just copy the given command line and run it via your console (SSH client).
For Linux/MacOS/FreeBSD:
1. Open your terminal and enter SSH connection string from the Settings > SSH Keychain > Public tab at the dashboard.
All the commands should be executed at your local machine’s user, similar to one you’ve used during SSH key pair generation, in order to avoid permission/connection errors.
2. You will see a list of environments available for your account. Please select the required environment by entering its list number.
Note: You can access only running environments.
3. After that, you’ll see a full list of containers provisioned for the chosen environment. Beside each container its node ID and LAN IP address are stated.
To access the container, enter its list number.
4. Now using shell assistance, you can proceed to setting the required configs.
Direct Access to the Container:
You can also "jump" directly to the necessary container, skipping the steps of choosing appropriate environment and node. To perform this, you need to know the required container ID. It can be retrieved using the previously described method of SSH access with interactive menu. There, you can see a list of all available containers and their ID numbers (the nodeid value).
Use the nodeid value of the required container in the command of the following type:
ssh {nodeid}-{uid}@{SSH_gate} -p 3022
{uid} and {SSH_gateway} values are presented in the Gigality dashboard (Settings > SSH Keychain > Public).
For example, in order to access the MySQL-5.5.34 container in accordance with the gateway we use in this instruction, we need to enter the following command:
ssh 163835-10957@gate.gigality.net -p 3022
This option can be useful while working with tools for deployment and setting up configurations at the remote container. For example, such tools as Capistrano.
This file is located in the container’s home directory ( You enter it just after accessing the container ) and contains the list of default variables. This file is not editable, so to set your own variables you need to state them in the .bashrc file (it is located in the same folder).
In order to define a new variable, write export
VARNAME=VAR_VALUE in the above mentioned .bashrc file, where:
VARNAME - name of the variable you would like to specify
VAR_VALUE - value of your variable
After you’ve set your variable, you can check it was applied. For that re-enter the container and execute the next command:
You should see the VAR_VALUE displayed, similar to one you’ve defined in the .bashrc file.