How do I enable and use Redis?

How do I enable and use Redis?

What is Redis?

Redis is a super-fast, in-memory database that stores data in a key-value format, making it quick to access. It's often used for caching, real-time applications, and quick data lookups. Redis is versatile, supporting various data types like lists and sets, and offers features like replication and persistence to ensure data durability and reliability.

Enabling and using Redis

Enabling Redis depends on the control panel you are using with Hivium. Below are instructions for enabling Redis on our DirectAdmin servers:

Enabling a Redis Socket In DirectAdmin

1. In the "Advanced Features" menu, click "Redis"

2. Click "Enable" to enable the Redis socket

3. Note the "Path to redis socket file" as this will be used later


Enable Redis PHP Extension

1. Make sure the Redis PHP Extension is enabled for your PHP version:

2. Go to "Select PHP Version"

3. In "PHP Extensions", make sure the "Redis" PHP extension checkbox is selected. If it is not, simply click the checkbox to enable.

Enable Redis In Your Application

1. To enable Redis in your application (such as LiteSpeed Cache Object Caching), you will need to use the following information:

Host/Socket: This will be the "Path to redis socket file" as noted earlier
Port: 0

Note: If using Redis for multiple domains in your account, make sure each has a unique "Database ID" in your application.

That's it! Redis is now enabled!

If you need any further help, feel free to open a support ticket with us!

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